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Home // Solicitors for Businesses

At Nath Solcitors we combine expertise in a wide range of legal areas – from contract drafting to dispute resolution – with a genuinely practical and commercially orientated approach to solving the legal issues faced by our business clients.

We are located in London but our business clients are based across a wide geographical area. This includes Central London, North West London and East London. We also serve individuals and businesses across a wider area, including those in Reading, Essex and throughout England and Wales.

Legal Advice For Businesses: What We Do

In our experience the precise legal requirements of businesses will depend on the sector in which the business operates. Businesses in finance and property will need a different type of legal service than businesses operating in retail or construction.

Similarly a family owned business will have different calls on their solicitors than a large professional services company. But all businesses have this in common: The requirement for agile lawyers who understand their business, and who can respond creatively and strategically to legal issues as they arise.

Our Services

Providing advice for businsesses is a core part of Nath Solicitors work. You’ll never feel the need to compete with other clients to get bespoke advice when you need it. We understand that several, interconnected issues might have already arisen when you consult us. We use our expertise across several key practice areas to provide strategic, comprehensive advice that you can rely on. For example:

  • Commercial Contracts for Business – We’ll get to know the detail of your business so we can put the right agreements in place with your partners and suppliers. Getting contracts right at the outset is the best way to promote stable, profitable business relationships and reduce the possibility of costly disputes.
  • Serious and Complex Defamation – Businesses live or die by their commercial reputation, and commentary online and offline about your services or financial status can cause huge damage. But there are highly effective legal remedies available to deal with negative or defamatory comments about your business, and we’ve been taking action to protect and restore the commercial reputation of businesses for decades.
  • Litigation – We represent clients involved in complex litigation matters, including large scale debt recovery, actions for breach of commercial contract, disputes about intellectual property, franchise disputes and disagreements over provision of services/supply of goods.
  • ADR – we use all forms of alternative dispute reputation, including arbitration, to resolve disputes affecting your business. Held away from the glare of publicity sometimes associated with court proceedings arbitration and mediation are particularly suited to finding solutions for businesses who want to maintain business relationships and minimise the upheaval that comes with long running disputes.

With limited budgets for legal services many businesses put off contacting their solicitor until an issue escalates. We’d always advise seeking legal advice early on because finding a workable solution is usually easier – and less costly – if action is taken before matters escalate

How We Work

While it makes sense to take advantage of technology to deal with queries remotely via text and email (this reduces your costs and helps us deal quickly with your concerns) we put great store on the personal nature of our service. No matter where you’re based, we’ll always organise face to face meetings when you wish or when the status of your case requires it.

Contact Us

We’re always pleased to work with businesses and happy to discuss your legal requirements. Get in touch with our director Shubha Nath at Nath Solicitors on 44 (0) 203 983 8278 or contact the firm online.


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